The National Poetry Writing Month is upon us! All hail the crazy!
So, the goal of writing 30 poems in 30 days is a little crazy, but not that crazy when you take out the "I'm-going-to-revise-this-until-it's-perfect" part. I'd heard of this before, but this evening after a kind of crappy day in the trenches (32 days until the end of the semester) I decided it was exactly what I needed!
So, I will be following the NaPoWriMo prompts as best I can AND (bonus round) because I love the Salt Lake City Community Writing Center (I have a couple of friends who have directed it.) I am going to be trying their prompts as well! What! Two poems a day!?!?! Are you mad???
Not at all. Each place gives you a prompt each day, so you have options if one of them doesn't speak to you.
So, fasten your seatbelt, grab a pen or laptop, and start writing! There is, I promise, a light at the end of the tunnel. (It's called May.)